In Athens, Most of the Boys From Poor Families

daily life ancient greece sparta athens
The Parthenon in Athens. Credit: Paolina27 /Wikimedia Commons/CC Past-SA 4.0

Daily life in aboriginal Greece varied by city-land. In Athens and Sparta, people lived co-ordinate to such contrasting traditions that information technology about seems equally though they were from different countries entirely.

Despite the fact that they shared the same heritage and language, aboriginal Athens and Sparta were wildly unlike, with clashing lifestyles, cultures, and values.

Oftentimes, the ii metropolis-states were not e'er on the friendliest of terms.

The Spartans were warriors, disciplined and strong, and always ready to die for their homeland. Hence the word "Spartan," which nosotros use today, significant someone who lives an austere life, indifferent to pleasures and luxuries.

Athenians, on the other mitt, were educated and those who were not soldiers were philosophers, politicians, writers of tragedies and comedies, musicians, and sculptors.

Growing up in Sparta: a life of self-denial

daily life ancient greece athens sparta
The "Vatican Amphora." Credit: Wikimedia Eatables/Public domain

Grecian Delight supports Greece

Life in Sparta was i of simplicity and cocky-denial. Children were children of the state more than than of their parents. They were raised to exist soldiers, loyal to the state, strong and cocky-disciplined.

When a Spartan baby was built-in, soldiers came to the house and examined it carefully to determine its forcefulness. They bathed the baby in wine rather than water, to see its reaction.

If a infant was weak, the Spartans would throw it off a cliff (the Kaiadas) or take information technology abroad to go a slave (helot).

The urban center-country — non parents — decided the fate of children, and nurses, who provided their primary care, did not coddle the babies at all.

A mother'southward softening influence was considered detrimental to boys' education, so a Spartan boy would be taken from his mother at the age of seven and soldiers would put him in a dormitory with other boys to railroad train them to become soldiers.

The boys went through harsh concrete training and deprivation to make them strong. They marched without shoes and went without food.

Daily life ancient greece athens sparta
Credit: Public Domain

Boys in Sparta learned the art of boxing, to endure pain and survive through their wits. The older boys willingly participated in beating upward the younger boys to brand them tough.

Once they turned 20, young Spartan men had to pass a rigorous exam to graduate and become full citizens, as only worthy soldiers gained the aristocratic citizenship.

If they failed their tests, they never became citizens just became perioeci, the center grade.

If the young men passed, they connected to live in the barracks and train as soldiers and were also required to marry — in order to produce new young Spartans.

The state gave them a slice of land which was farmed by slaves. The income supported them as full-time soldiers.

At the age of 30, they were allowed to live with their families simply they continued to train until the historic period of threescore, when they retired from military machine service.

Girls and women were given freedoms in Sparta

Wounded Amazon. Credit: Wikimedia Commons/CC Past-SA 3.0

Girls were also taken from their home at vii and sent to school. Hither they learned wrestling, gymnastics, and fighting.

Spartans believed that strong mothers produced stiff children, and then women were allowed to exercise and were even given the same portions of food equally their male counterparts, something unheard of in Athens.

Women in Sparta too had to pass the citizenship tests at 18-20. If they did so successfully, they were assigned a husband.

To prepare for the wedding ceremony night, their hair was cutting short and they were dressed in male clothing.

After spending their wedding dark together, the Spartan homo so returned to his all-male barracks, where he often had lovers. Men and women did not live together but met occasionally for procreation.

Since they were living alone well-nigh of the time, Spartan women enjoyed a much greater liberty and independence than women in other Greek city-states.

They were immune to walk around in the urban center and transact their ain affairs.

Life was not as easy for girls in Athens or the rest of Ancient Greece

In Athens, however, girls and boys were brought up much differently. While boys went off to school at historic period seven, young girls continued to stay at dwelling house until they were married, rarely e'er leaving their house.

Girls were not formally educated, but some mothers did teach their daughters to read and write.

Others learned to dance or play an instrument, although a adept family did not consider musical instruments to be proper for girls.

A immature girl was to assist her mother in the home. Also, if asked to help, she was required to work in the fields.

daily life ancient greece athens sparta
Women weaving and working with cloth, as depicted on a lekythos by the Amasis painter. Credit: Public Domain

Instructing a young girl on her future part as a female parent was very important. All girls learned domestic jobs such every bit weaving, working with textiles, taking care of children, embroidering, and cooking.

Girls were restricted to their homes, and often could only leave during specific festivals.

Traditionally, girls in Athens would marry at an extremely young age, by 14 or 15, and then would live in their husband's home.

Once married, the immature wife would more often than not alive at home, only interacting with the household.

Educational activity in aboriginal Athens resembled current schooling

The boys of ancient Athens went to schoolhouse at seven. They did their work on waxed-covered tablets and a stylus.

Subjects were similar to those taught today — boys in Athens were taught math, including fractions, addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication.

They learned the words of Homer and how to read and write, and they had music education that usually included learning to play the lyre.

Boxers on a Panathenaic amphora in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Credit: /Wikimedia Commons/

Physical educational activity and sports included the apply of the bow and pointer and the sling, while competitions in wrestling and swimming were besides included. The more wealthy learned to ride horses.

By age fourteen, boys were promoted to another school for their teenage years. By age eighteen, all boys were expected to attend military school, from which they graduated at xx.

From the age of thirty and onward they could participate in politics. Information technology was as well around this age that they usually married.

Life in aboriginal Athens was unlike than in the rest of Greece

Men were the merely people considered citizens, and so they were frequently seen effectually the town conducting their business, along with slaves.

Men went to the market, met with friends to talk over politics, and went to temples to worship. Interestingly, it was men who did all the shopping and errands outside of the firm.

Athenian men had a special room in the house just for themselves. This room was for lounging around and entertaining male guests; no women except for slaves and entertainers were allowed inside their room.

Contrary to Spartan men, the educated, well-to-do Athenians were very much interested in the arts, philosophy, and aesthetics.

Architectural masterpieces like the Parthenon and the Erechtheion, and the many statues of Praxiteles and Phidias, stand as proof that Athenian men were more cultivated in their daily life than many in ancient Greece, especially their Spartan counterparts.


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